To make an appointment, please phone or email reception (details above) or visit the practice during opening hours. Routine recall appointments are usually arranged at the end of your last visit and if you wish we can send you a text message or email reminder a few days before your next appointment is due. If you are unable to keep an appointment, please give us at least 24 hours’ notice. Please note that if you miss an appointment, without providing prior notice, a charge will be made. Emergency and Out-of-hours Care If you have a dental emergency, telephone reception, where possible, during opening hours. You will then be given an appointment in a time frame that is appropriate to your needs. If you require emergency care, you will be seen the same day. If you require urgent care, you will be given advice to help manage the symptoms and seen within 24 hours. If you have a dental emergency when the practice is not open, telephone reception and a recorded message will give details of our out-of-hours’ service. Access and Facilities The practice is located in a former residential property that has been converted for use as a dental practice. We will endeavour to treat disabled patients as far as it is practicable, in the event of this not being possible arrangements to use Hay Lodge Clinic will be made. Directions The practice is located on Peebles High Street behind Caldwell´s ice cream parlour and can be reached through a gated passageway off the High Street. Restricted on-street parking is available and there are a number of public car parks in close vicinity. The nearest car park is Eastgate car park. Peebles High Street is also well served by local bus links and taxi services. Interpreting Services If English is not your first language, NHS Direct provides a confidential interpreter service for many languages. Contact us for further info. The languages spoken at the practice are English and German. |